The (NBA) Future is (Previewed) Now

by Justin Cherot As many of you know, a few months ago I started my official paid foray into the sports industry, accepting a copywriting position with a company that touts high-powered sports “consultants” to help “clients” with difficult sports “decisions”.  I love quotation marks. Obviously, the big moneymaker in the industry I speak of…

Power Ranking the 1st Round

by Justin Cherot It’s April, which means it must be time for the Dallas Mavericks to begin their quest for a championship… …just kidding. Rather than opine about how the Mavs would have made the playoffs had Dirk Nowitzki not missed 27 games, or how playing Brandan Wright more might have swung four or five more…

That’s So Random: Conference Finals

by Justin Cherot As if we didn’t already have enough niche post categories on this site, let’s add another one.  This idea is sponsored by one of my daughter’s favorite shows entitled–you guessed it–“So Random”. Without further ado, I give you ten completely random thoughts from the NBA conference finals so far. I wouldn’t say…

Live From the Couch: Grizzlies/Clippers

by Justin Cherot 10:32- Killing time waiting for the game to start, so I might as well check out the ending of the Spurs/Jazz game just so I can say I watched a couple minutes of this boring, lopsided series.  Guess it really says something when Utah fans are jacked up about being down six with…

Game of Questions

by Justin Cherot Even if nobody else agrees, I consider myself to be an authority on all things NBA.  If my friends or co-workers have questions pertaining to the League, they come to me first (or second, first they usually visit Pick and Pop, as you are now!). But, after watching last night’s Bulls/Heat game,…

Video Link: Double Griffin!!! But What Does It Mean???

From Quick: how many points did Blake Griffin score last night? Surely based upon these two videos we are to assume Griffin had like 40 and 20 in a Clippers win, right? Wrong.  More like a five-point loss that extended the LA Lakers’ lead in the Pacific.  Not that a 15-14 performance is awful…

Rubio vs. Wall

by Justin Cherot When the Minnesota Timberwolves came to DC and destroyed the Wizards this past Sunday, we got the chance to look at two of the best young point guards in the NBA–Ricky Rubio and John Wall–go head to head.  As enamored as the Wizards were to win the lottery in 2010 to get…


by Justin Cherot CP3 (9:11 PM): WoW TheJustinCherot (9:13 PM): Dude I didn’t know you played [World] of Warcraft!!! Chris Paul hasn’t re-tweeted me yet, and I don’t expect him to for two reasons: 1) I accidentally tweeted “War of Warcraft”, a game that doesn’t exist and, 2) I would think he has more important things on…

Hard Act to Follow: Previewing the 2nd Round

by Justin Cherot So… what’d you think of THAT first round? Let’s do a quick inventory:  An eight seed (Memphis) tanked down the stretch to get the team with the second best record in basketball (San Antonio), and the Grizzlies justified their tankage by undressing the Spurs. With the exception of the Atlanta/Orlando series (which honestly I couldn’t wait to…

Down to Smush This NBA Preview

by Justin Cherot Summer vacation is officially over… okay, so it was over like two months ago, but who’s counting?  Anyway, to kill two birds with one stone–pay homage to summer while previewing what’s going to happen this upcoming NBA season– here’s a look at the NBA from top to bottom, Jersey Shore style. (This…