The Inevitable “I’m Still Alive” Post

By Justin Cherot With PnP’s stock at an all-time low and shareholders panicking, I decided to come out of the woodwork and reassure you that I’m alive and well.  Sports has gone from “a vital part of my life” to “my entire life” as a copywriter.  I used to watch games for fun and was…


by Justin Cherot CP3 (9:11 PM): WoW TheJustinCherot (9:13 PM): Dude I didn’t know you played [World] of Warcraft!!! Chris Paul hasn’t re-tweeted me yet, and I don’t expect him to for two reasons: 1) I accidentally tweeted “War of Warcraft”, a game that doesn’t exist and, 2) I would think he has more important things on…

Down to Smush This NBA Preview

by Justin Cherot Summer vacation is officially over… okay, so it was over like two months ago, but who’s counting?  Anyway, to kill two birds with one stone–pay homage to summer while previewing what’s going to happen this upcoming NBA season– here’s a look at the NBA from top to bottom, Jersey Shore style. (This…

From the Couch: Dallas Mavericks vs. Phoenix Suns

By Justin Cherot You know, I think this could end up being just as big as the Notebook idea.  Colin can do this with hockey and I can do this with basketball, and maybe we can both do this with the Super Bowl: take one game a week, watch it from the couch and keep a…