Game of Questions

by Justin Cherot Even if nobody else agrees, I consider myself to be an authority on all things NBA.  If my friends or co-workers have questions pertaining to the League, they come to me first (or second, first they usually visit Pick and Pop, as you are now!). But, after watching last night’s Bulls/Heat game,…


by Justin Cherot CP3 (9:11 PM): WoW TheJustinCherot (9:13 PM): Dude I didn’t know you played [World] of Warcraft!!! Chris Paul hasn’t re-tweeted me yet, and I don’t expect him to for two reasons: 1) I accidentally tweeted “War of Warcraft”, a game that doesn’t exist and, 2) I would think he has more important things on…

Hard Act to Follow: Previewing the 2nd Round

by Justin Cherot So… what’d you think of THAT first round? Let’s do a quick inventory:  An eight seed (Memphis) tanked down the stretch to get the team with the second best record in basketball (San Antonio), and the Grizzlies justified their tankage by undressing the Spurs. With the exception of the Atlanta/Orlando series (which honestly I couldn’t wait to…

Finals Freestyle

By Justin Cherot By this time tomorrow, I’ll be waiting to board a plane headed to Disney World (which reminds me: I should shave just to avoid “random” searches).  That basically means I’ll be far too absorbed in the whole Mickey experience to break down the finals anytime in the next six days.  So, in…

Sunrise or Sunset?

By Justin Cherot When the Boston Celtics found the fountain of youth and knocked the LeBron James-led Cleveland Cavaliers, I remember watching my new 50″ toy with my future fiancee and saying to her, “Yeah, this off-season is going to be crazy.” Keyword: off-season.  Did I think that his oustering was going to overshadow the…